Executive Board

Joining the Executive Board

Executive Board elections take place every spring. If you are currently an AB Site Leader and are interested in running for a board position, please contact ab.gv.president@gmail.com.

2019-2020 Executive Board

Holly Tumbarello


Preferred Pronouns: She/Her/Hers
Major: Film/ Video

Holly is a senior and has been on 4 AB trips since her freshman year with each trip impacting her life & the stories she aims to tell as a Film Major. You’ll most likely find Holly with a camera in her hand filming something for her job at the Promotions Office, or rushing by on her bike! Passionate about reducing the amount of plastic we use, ask Holly for tips on how to make plastic free meals (or check out her Instagram stories for recipes: @hollytumbarello). (Fun fact of the day: Most mainstream chewing gums contain plastic.) In her free time, she is always down for a hike or exploring if you ever need a buddy!

Hannah Kirshman
Executive Vice President


Preferred Pronouns: She/Her/Hers
Major: Pre-med

This is Hannah’s final year at GVSU and next year she will be starting medical school at MSU COM. She enjoys watching documentaries, hiking and spending time outside! She has been on 3 AB trips in the past, mostly dealing with social issues. If you see her around campus ask her about her cat Mü Bear!

Elaine Danneffel
Vice President of Finance


Preferred Pronouns: She/Her/Hers
Major: Health Communications

In Elaine’s free time she enjoys running on the GVSU Cross Country and Track club! She also loves hiking, camping, gardening, & is very passionate about sustainability. She works at the library on campus, so say hello if you see her at the lib!

Stephanie Torres
Vice President of Site Development and Assessment

Preferred Pronouns: She/Her/Hers
Major: Public & Nonprofit Administration, Philosophy minor

She’s a senior this year and this is her 4th year as a member of GVAB! Stephanie loves to try new things even though she’s always terrified (and she’s left handed👋🏼). She also loves baking, scrolling through Pinterest, exploring the Ravines, and hanging out with friends. Aside from AB, she’s also involved in Circle K, Belly Dance, and works at GVs Community Service Learning Center! If you ever want to find ways to engage with the community or go exploring, she’s happy to help or come along 🙂

Leah Notar Donato
Vice President of Member Engagement

Preferred Pronouns: She/Her/Hers
Major/Minor: Clinical Exercise Science

Leah wants to pursue a career as a Physical Therapist because of her passions to work with the human body & help others live their best life. She’s a junior and this is her 3rd year as a member of GVAB. She also is a TA for anatomy lab, Volunteer coordinator for pre-PT club, and a Transitions Leader! She’s moved 8 times and lived in 5 states so she loves meeting new people, forming connections, and chatting about new ideas & perspectives, so say hi if you see her around campus! 👋🏼

Mikala Evans
Vice President of Public Relations & Recruitment

Preferred Pronouns: She/Her/Hers
Major: Advertising & PR, Digital Studies minor

Mikala hopes to use her skills after graduation to work with sustainable companies. This is Mikala’s 3rd year at GVSU & as a member of GVAB. This past year she site lead her first trip and became best friends with her co💚 Last summer she became scuba dive certified & this summer she hiked Glacier national park! Say hi if you see her around :^)