ABCs 2016


Four of our executive board members had a blast at Break Away‘s ABCs (Alternative Break Citizenship schools) this summer! They attended:

Sexual Violence Prevention and Response
in Atlanta, Georgia with Emory University


Ten Years Later: A Neighbor-Driven Recommitment
in New Orleans, Lousiana with Project Homecoming.

Both were incredible, informative, thought-provoking, challenging, empowering experiences! We can’t wait to utilize what we learned– both as a program in the 2016-2017 year, and as individuals in our daily lives. Here’s to a new year, and striving to build a society of active citizens!

Thank you, Break Away: The Alternative Break Connection!

(Oh, we’re especially excited about the friednships we made with members from SVSU Alternative Breaks, Alternative Breaks (EMU), and Mary Ellen Brandell Volunteer Center (Central Michigan University). Hmm… maybe there will be some collaboration soon…)